Home News Newsletters - Smart Move Global

Happy Easter and welcome to the latest news from the Smart Move campaign. In this issue, you can discover how the public-private Smart Move High Level Group approach to identifying problems and developing sustainable transport policies is being emulated, with Australia now implementing the model to create a sustainable transport vision and recommendations for its cities.
You will also discover how new technologies will make bus transport even greener in Germany, and how buses are contributing to the economic health of our communities and gaining new customers and supporters in the process. Whether it is in the UK where buses deliver excellent value for citizens, in the US where bus links are helping maintain home prices, or in Bordeaux, France where buses are more popular than ever. Last but not least: you will also learn how some support for buses really is divine.
- The Smart Move team
Taking the Smart Move High Level Group model, Australia has committed itself to a major expansion and development of its urban mobility plans. It focuses not just on public transport with increased frequencies and funding for new services, but also on improving the environment and addressing the problems caused by other transport modes too. Furthermore, the City of Adelaide has committed itself to a 10 year Smart Move Strategy.
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Investing in the urban bus represents 'exceptional value for money for the taxpayer' – this is the message from a new report published in the UK. Not only that but it also shows that there are social, health and economic benefits too.
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Just hours after being elected as the leader of the world's 1.2bn Catholics, Pope Francis jumped on a bus with other cardinals instead of the usual papal limousine to 'help set a good example of what priests and bishops should do'.
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During the recession, residential property values in the US performed 42% better, on average, if they were located near public transport with high-frequency service, according to a new study released by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA).
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In 2014, the city of Mannheim in south-western Germany will test two electric buses equipped with contactless recharging technology. The vehicles quickly recharge by induction at each stop, without any connection - an answer to the problems of electric vehicles' range.
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The number of passengers using buses and trams in Bordeaux has risen by a quarter in the last 3 years since the restructuring of the urban transport network, putting them well on the way to doubling bus use within 10 years! The network is to be expanded further in May 2013 to meet the growing demand.
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Young people are driving cars less and taking the bus more. A Smart generation!
Click on the infographic below to find out more!

Using the latest technology, Coach Tracker allows you to track your coach in real-time, anytime, anywhere!
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