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Pantou – a smart online platform that promotes accessible tourism in Europe


Pantou is a free online platform that promotes accessible tourism in Europe, including by bus, coach and taxi, by connecting tourists with special access needs to the tour operators who can help.


Tourists with special access needs, who plan on travelling in the European Union and Accession countries this summer, will want to check out Pantou – Greek for “Everywhere”.


This free online platform was specifically developed to meet the need for a reliable and comprehensive pan-European guide to all kinds of tourism services that are currently offered for people with disabilities. 


Pantou is an excellent tool for finding tour operators that provide special access services, and when it comes to user-friendly mobility, bus, coach and taxi are the transport champions for door-to-door service. 

Users will also find the platform to be quite helpful, as Pantou showcases an excellent listing of places to go and things to do, all in safety, convenience and comfort.


Managed by the European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT) and supported by the European Commission, Pantou is a truly Smart online Platform that you won’t want to miss when planning your next holiday.


Check out Pantou



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