Results of the European Commission study (2009) on bus and coach transport in the EU: challenges and opportunities for the future Simon Smith, Steer Davis Gleave, UK
First panel debate and discussion: Towards a business-friendly legal and administrative framework for long distance bus and coach travel – matured markets
The Spanish intercity market model and the emergence of BRT: lessons to learn and mistakes to avoid Francisco Iglesias, Director of the Interurban Transport Divison, ALSA, Spain
The Italian intercity market model: lessons to learn and mistakes to avoid Paolo Beria, Assistant professor of Transport Economics Politecnico di Milano, on behalf of ANAV, Italy
Results and lessons to be learned from the liberalisation of long distance bus and coach lines in Norway Terje Sundfjord, International Affairs, NHO Transport, Norway
Second panel debate and discussion: Towards a business-friendly legal and administrative framework for long distance bus and coach travel – new market opportunities
Opening the intercity bus and coach market in Germany: challenges and opportunities Heinrich Strößenreuther , Verkehrs Innovations Partner/Transport Innovations Partner, Germany