Home News France sets high priority on urban transport until 2030True to the logic of the 1st Grenelle Environment Round Table process, the French government declared the urban public transport a high priority. The draft National Blueprint for transport infrastructure published in July, estimates that nearly 55 billion Euros expenditure will be used for urban public transport. The report is subject to consultation until its adoption in late 2010.
Urban public transport will receive 53 billion Euros to finance the project for Transports collectifs en site propre (TCSP) - reserved lanes for public transport - including buses with high level of service .The investment is aimed at multiplying by five the length of TCSP in France by 2025: 1800 km of bus-only lane, compared to 329 km today. Transport projects in the Greater Paris- Grand Huit or Arc Express are included in the plan.
The government has also launched, in mid-June, a second call for projects in the framework of the Grenelle Environment for cities wishing to install a mass transit system or strengthen their network.
Read the draft report (in French only)