Home News Did you know that women are more likely to take the bus than men are?
CIVITAS’ Policy Note “Smart choices for cities – Gender equality and mobility: mind the gap!” offers an interesting analysis of women’s travel patterns. Women tend to engage in more complex daily journeys than men do and they appear to be more likely to use public transportation. They usually travel shorter distances and for diverse purposes (shopping, escorting children or elder people, family management etc). Men travel more than women for work (commuting and business). Female passengers also travel more outside rush hours and make multi-stops trips. |

Source: CIVITAS' Policy Note
Another interesting aspect highlighted in the paper is the fact that women also seem more likely than men to adopt sustainable travel behaviours and to support or accept green economy policies. Women tend to have values that are more environment-focused and they are more sensitive and responsive to speed limits and traffic congestion.

Source: CIVITAS' Policy Note
Read CIVITAS' Policy Note “Smart choices for cities – Gender equality and mobility: mind the gap!” (3.5 MB)