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BDO Congress 2010 in Berlin: Smart Move is speaking German from now on

The topic of the BDO Congress on 16 and 17 March in Berlin was the “economic factor” of buses and coaches. The BDO, together with the other German-speaking (Austrian and Swiss) bus and coach associations, committed their organisations to the worldwide bus and coach campaign “Smart Move” which, from now on, also speaks German.


The objective of the campaign is the doubling of the use of buses and coaches in European traffic. Part of the campaign is also to identify the regulations which are in opposition to ecologically efficient buses and coaches. Legislation is needed that supports buses and coaches as the greenest and safest mode of transport which would lead to a reduction of 50 million tons of CO2 for traffic, 3000 fewer mortalities on the road or 4 million more jobs.


Together with the IRU, the Smart Move campaign will inform citizens and decision-makers about the social, ecological and economic benefits of buses and coaches so that well-grounded background knowledge, current data and relevant facts can help establish qualified opinion-making.


Now is the time for important awareness training to take place in individual countries. A strong presence will be needed wherever decisions are being made today, for the future of the transport.


From left to right: Wolfgang Steinbrück (bdo, Germany), Karl Molzer (AISÖ, Austria) and Werner Ryffel (ASTAG, Switzerland)

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