Home News 9th symposium of lawyers

“The evolution of contractual relations in road transport”
Friday, 24 February 2012 Varembé Conference Centre (CCV), Room A 9-11 rue de Varembé, Geneva
Geneva – The IRU next Symposium of Lawyers, to be held this year on 24 February 2012 in Geneva will bring together lawyers, academics, insurers, road transport operators and representatives of governments as well as international organisations that specialise in trade, logistics, transport and insurance issues to review contractual relations and increasing liabilities in road transport.
Leading road transport law practitioners and academics from across the globe will discuss the significant changes to the economic, legal and contractual environment for road transport operators that occurred over the past decade, including:
- the new legal framework and increasingly complex regulations;
- the rise of passenger rights in road transport law;
- extended liabilities and guarantees for the transport of goods by road; and,
- general conditions for the international transport of passengers and goods by road.
National case studies on evidence and management of the increasing liability of road carriers will also be presented in order to provide a practical overview and analysis of the changing legal environment for road transport operators, as well as best practices for carriers to address such changes and remain competitive.
08:15 |
Registration |
09:00-09:05 |
Welcome speech Martin MARMY, Secretary General, International Road Transport Union (IRU) |
09:05-09:15 |
Introduction by the Symposium Chairperson Isabelle BON-GARCIN, President of the IRU Commission on Legal Affairs |
Session 1 : The increasing liability of the road carrier Moderator : Maxine KENNETT, IRU |
09:15-09:45 |
Legal framework: Increasingly complex regulation Speaker: Loïc GRARD, Professor, University of Bordeaux, France |
09:45-10:00 |
Discussion |
10:00-10:45 |
Passenger road carrier liability: Passengers become consumers Speaker 1: The current legal framework Cécile LEGROS, IDIT, France |
Speaker 2: New EU rules for road passenger transport and their possible influences on the CVR William PADINA, UNTRR, Romania |
10:45-11:00 |
Discussion |
11:00-11:15 |
Coffee break |
11:15-12:00 |
Goods road carrier liability: An extended guarantee Speaker 1: The influence of economic and technical developments on the contractual liability of the road carrier Jacques PUTZEYS, Emeritus Professor, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium |
Speaker 2: The influence of social constraints and security on the criminal liability of the road carrier Alessandro PESCE, Pesce & Associati, Italy |
Speaker 3: Anti-Indemnification Clauses in Freight Contracts Ron LENNOX, Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA), Canada |
12:15-12:30 |
Discussion |
12:30-13:45 |
Lunch (CCV) |
Session 2 : IRU’s contractual tools for the better management of the liabilities of the road carrier Moderator: Detlef NEUFANG, BWVL, Germany |
13:45-14:15 |
IRU General Conditions for the international carriage of goods by road Speaker: Presentation of the new IRU General Conditions for the international carriage of goods by road Jean ACRI, IRU |
14:15-14:30 |
Discussion |
14:30-15:00 |
General Conditions for the international transport of passengers Speaker 1: Omnibus Agreement Jasmina TRLAJIC, Federal Office of Transport (FOT), Switzerland |
Speaker 2: Development of General Conditions of carriage for passenger transport Johan SCHELIN, Stockholm University, Sweden |
15:00-15:15 |
Discussion |
15:15-15:30 |
Coffee break |
15:30-16:30 |
National case studies: Evidence and management of the increasing liability of road carriers Road transport in the United Kingdom Anton BALKITIS, Rothera Dowson Solicitors, United Kingdom |
Speaker 2: Road transport in Spain Francisco SANCHEZ-GAMBORINO, ASTIC, Spain & Vice-President of the IRU Commission on Legal Affairs |
Speaker 3: Road transport in Turkey Sançar Sefer SÜER, TOBB, Turkey |
Speaker 4: Road transport in Asia Fedor KORMILITSYN, UNESCAP |
16:30-16:45 |
Discussion |
16:45 |
Final summary and adoption of Symposium Declaration Isabelle BON-GARCIN, President of the IRU Commission on Legal Affairs |
17:00 |
Conclusion and closing of the Symposium |
Registration fees: 250 € Members of the IRU Commission for Legal Affairs : 125 €
Journalists: Free entrance upon presentation of a press card
By Bank transfer to the following: Banque Cantonale de Genève CH – 1211 Genève 2 Account Z 3202.25.89 IBAN : CH96 0078 8000 Z320 2258 9 SWIFT : BCGECHGGXXX For : Symposium of Lawyers
Should you proceed with your payment, do not forget to register by means of the online registration form! |