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Home High Level Groups All-India Smart Move High Level Group

The Smart Move High Level Group is composed of representatives of the EU institutions, businessmen, representative trade associations , researchers and stakeholders from civil society. It consists of maximum 10-15 members, with a possibility to invite, in addition, specific stakeholders for specific topics.



// European Commission


Kristian Hedberg, Head of Unit, DG MOVE D3, European Commission

George Patris, Policy Officer, Land Transport Policy, DG MOVE D3, European Commission

// European Parliament

Mathieu Grosch,Member of the European Parliament, EPP, B
Isabelle Durant, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA, B

Gesine Meißner, Member of the European Parliament, ALDE, D

Ines Ayala Sender, Member of the European Parliament, S&D, ES

// Other EU Institutions

Jan Simons, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC), TEN Section

Name of alternate:

Antoine Cochet, Administrator, European Economic and Social Committee, TEN Section (ECOSOC)

Gordon Modro, Administrator, Committee of the Regions (COR),

COTER Commission

// Road Transport Industry

Oleg Kamberski, Head - Passenger Transport (CPT), International Road Transport Union (IRU)

Yves Mannaerts, Director/ IRU Vice President, Fédération Belge des exploitants d’Autobus et d’Autocars et des Organisateurs de Voyages (FBAA)

Eric Ritter, Secretary General

Fédération Nationale des Transports de Voyageurs (FNTV)

Anna Grönlund, Secretary General, Svenska Bussbranschens Riksförbund (BR)
Hubert Andela, Secretary General, Koninklijk Nederlands Vervoer (KNV) Taxi
John Gilbert, President, Eurolines

Michel Quidort, President, European Passenger Transport Operators (EPTO)

Name of alternate:

Jan Möllmann, Secretary General, European Passenger Transport Operators (EPTO)

// Partner Organisations


Trevor Garrod, President, European Passenger Federation (EPF)

Sylvain Haon, Executive Director, European Cities and Regions Networking for Innovative Transport Solutions (POLIS)

Name of alternate:

Ivo Cré, Project Manager, European Cities and Regions Networking for Innovative Transport Solutions (POLIS)


// May be invited on a case-by-case basis or on specific topics


Researchers, representatives of partner industries, representatives of stakeholders

from the civil society, social partners etc.



// Coordinator

Oleg Kamberski

Head - Passenger Transport

International Road Transport Union (IRU)


Tel: +32 2 743.25.91; E-mail: oleg.kamberski@iru.org

// Contacts Secretariat


Maria Ivanovici

Assistant to Oleg Kamberski

International Road Transport Union (IRU)


Tel : +32 2 743.25.80; E-mail: maria.ivanovici@iru.org



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