Home High Level Groups European Citizens' Mobility Forum


The European Citizens’ Mobility Forum (ECMF) has come together at the recommendation of the EU Smart Move High Level Group (HLG) which, over a period of one year, developed a series of 16 concrete recommendations to effectively double collective passenger transport by bus and coach and achieve rapid and sustainable growth in the EU by 2025.
During the final event, which took place on 15 May 2013 at the European Parliament, the HLG called for the creation of a wider, permanentEuropean Citizens' Mobility Forum,composed of EU road transport professionals, civil servants, politicians, experts, and customer representatives, to ensure the follow-up and implementation of the Smart Move HLG recommendations.
The ECMF is an open and inclusive structure which aims to bring together transport policy and business leaders, while at the same time remaining fully open to contributions from individual citizens.

The ECMF's core mandate is to:
- support the practical implementation of the Smart Move High Level Group's Recommendations
- propose new concrete actions to double the use and market share of collective passenger transport in the EU by 2025, through a detailed and targeted European Action Programme
In order to fulfil this mandate, the ECMF will meet at least four times per year and benefit from expertise channelled through task forces or ad-hoc expert groups created on specific topics.

The European Citizens' Mobility Forum consists of representatives from:
- EU institutions - European Parliament, European Commission (DG MOVE), Committee of the Regions (CoR), European Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC);
- civil society researchers and stakeholders - trade unions, safety and environmental NGOs, passenger organisations and representatives of cities;
- business representatives from bus, coach and taxi companies and partner transport modes;
- trade associations from the road transport sector, mobility stakeholders, travel agents, and tour organisers.
The ECMF opens its membership to all other stakeholders sharing the objective of doubling the use of collective land passenger transport willing to join forces and share their best practices and experience. European citizens are of course encouraged to share their opinions and make contributions.
To see the full list of the European Citizens' Mobility Forum current Members, please visit the Members section
