The Smart Move High Level Group is composed of representatives of the EU institutions, businessmen, representative trade associations , researchers and stakeholders from civil society. It consists of maximum 10-15 members, with a possibility to invite, in addition, specific stakeholders for specific topics. // European Commission |  | Kristian Hedberg, Head of Unit, DG MOVE D3, European Commission George Patris, Policy Officer, Land Transport Policy, DG MOVE D3, European Commission |
// European Parliament
|  | Mathieu Grosch,Member of the European Parliament, EPP, B Isabelle Durant, Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA, B Gesine Meißner, Member of the European Parliament, ALDE, D Ines Ayala Sender, Member of the European Parliament, S&D, ES | // Other EU Institutions
|  | Jan Simons, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC), TEN Section Name of alternate: Antoine Cochet, Administrator, European Economic and Social Committee, TEN Section (ECOSOC) |  | Gordon Modro, Administrator, Committee of the Regions (COR), COTER Commission |
// Road Transport Industry
|  | Oleg Kamberski, Head - Passenger Transport (CPT), International Road Transport Union (IRU) |  | Yves Mannaerts, Director/ IRU Vice President, Fédération Belge des exploitants d’Autobus et d’Autocars et des Organisateurs de Voyages (FBAA) |  | Eric Ritter, Secretary General Fédération Nationale des Transports de Voyageurs (FNTV) |  | Anna Grönlund, Secretary General, Svenska Bussbranschens Riksförbund (BR) |  | Hubert Andela, Secretary General, Koninklijk Nederlands Vervoer (KNV) Taxi |  | John Gilbert, President, Eurolines |  | Michel Quidort, President, European Passenger Transport Operators (EPTO) Name of alternate: Jan Möllmann, Secretary General, European Passenger Transport Operators (EPTO) | // Partner Organisations | | Trevor Garrod, President, European Passenger Federation (EPF) |  | Sylvain Haon, Executive Director, European Cities and Regions Networking for Innovative Transport Solutions (POLIS) Name of alternate: Ivo Cré, Project Manager, European Cities and Regions Networking for Innovative Transport Solutions (POLIS) | // May be invited on a case-by-case basis or on specific topics |
Researchers, representatives of partner industries, representatives of stakeholders from the civil society, social partners etc. | // Coordinator
| Oleg Kamberski Head - Passenger Transport International Road Transport Union (IRU) Tel: +32 2 743.25.91; E-mail: |
// Contacts Secretariat | Maria Ivanovici Assistant to Oleg Kamberski International Road Transport Union (IRU) Tel : +32 2 743.25.80; E-mail: |